St. Benedict C.S.S.

National AccessAbility Week & Red Shirt Day

May 28 to June 3, 2023, is National AccessAbility Week!

National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) is an annual initiative that celebrates, promotes, and showcases the diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in our country, and highlights some of the important initiatives aimed at creating an accessible Canada. Since 2019, Easter Seals Ontario has recognized the Wednesday of National AccessAbility week as the Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility and Inclusion. Everyone is encouraged to wear a red shirt to raise awareness for accessibility and disability inclusion and make a pledge to help remove physical, attitudinal, and systematic barriers in their schools, workplaces, and communities.

The following educator resources are available: 

Elementary: English | French

Secondary: English | French

Red Shirt Day

Red Shirt Day is an Easter Seals initiative and was first celebrated in 2019. The 2023 Red Shirt Day takes place on Wednesday, May 31. Sudbury Catholic District School Board (SCDSB) students and staff are encouraged to wear red on Red Shirt Day to promote messages of support for people and families living with disabilities.

About Red Shirt Day 

Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility and Inclusion is a day when people across Canada come together and wear red in schools, workplaces and spaces everywhere in order to create a visible display of solidarity: to show their support for persons and families of those who are living with disabilities, celebrate the achievements of people living with disabilities, and to pledge their commitment to help create a fully accessible and inclusive society that honours and values the contributions of people of all abilities in all aspects of life in Canada. Learn more!


Red Shirt Day Resources

Easter Seals Website

Rick Hansen Website




Pledge Examples

Colouring Sheets

Books & Reading Materials for Kids

Books & Reading Materials for Kids

Films & Documentaries for Adults

Ted Talks

St. Benedict Teacher Chosen to Take Part in the Leader Training Program Presented by Let’s Talk Science 

 Erika Weber, Science Teacher at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School has been selected for the Teacher Leader Training Program offered by Let’s Talk Science for the 2023-2024 School Year. 

The Teacher Leader Training Program is a professional development opportunity for teachers looking to help other educators deliver enriching learning in the classroom through STEM. A Teacher Leader is responsible for the following: 

  • • Support educators in STEM-based learning and teaching. 
  • • Join other Teacher Leaders from across the country to form a community of best practices. 
  • • Facilitate professional learning experiences for fellow educators using curriculum-aligned, easy to use resources. 

Candidates participated in three levels of interviews for this unique position. Erika hopes to build confidence in her fellow educators who are not familiar with science education and assist them in feeling comfortable with completing hands-on experiments and modelling STEM in their own classrooms. 

“Through this experience, I will be a permanent member of a community of passionate STEM educators from across Canada. I am hoping to gain new strategies, best practices, and resources that I can share with my colleagues at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. When passion is put to practice, it inspires others; I look forward to learning from this program so that our students can put their best foot forward in a fast-paced and competitive industry,” said Erika Weber, Science Teacher at St. Benedict C.S.S. 

“Mrs. Weber’s passion for STEM education is contagious. She is continually looking for engaging and meaningful opportunities for her students, which in turn sparks a love for science. Her leadership in the areas of science, robotics, and coding has enriched St. Benedict, and I am excited to see what her next adventure brings!” said Beverly Belanger, Principal of St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School. 

Let’s Talk Science is a national charitable organization committed to preparing youth for evolving career and citizenship demands in a rapidly changing world. Learn more about the Teacher Leader Training Program and the organization HERE

Bishop Student Appointed to Student Trustee at Sudbury Catholic Schools 

Grade 10 Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S. student Julia Parenteau has been appointed as the newest Sudbury Catholic District School Board Student Trustee for the 2023-2025 terms. The appointment took place at the April 18, 2023 Board meeting. Julia will join fellow Student Trustee Catena Hayden beginning August 1, 2023. 

Julia is a devoted leader both on her school’s Student Council and on the Student Senate. Seen as an active member of the community, Julia spends much of her time volunteering at her local church and serving as a member of the Saint Vincent de Paul Committee. She has also devoted time to serving food to veterans and their families and volunteering at various events for the Maison Sudbury Hospice. 

Julia is strong advocate for student voice and believes it is a necessary for student development and growth. She hopes to bring more attention to mental health and well-being within schools and create resources to help students and school environments navigate appropriate solutions. 

“I believe it’s important for students to be involved in their education because, with an absence of involvement, their lives and our school communities would lack growth. When a student is involved in their education, they ask questions and make a point to self-assess their progress and attitude towards school. It’s these kinds of students who not only better themselves but also their school environment because they set examples and show good habits that other students may feel they need to pick up on,” said Julia Parenteau. 

“Julia is a passionate and dedicated individual. Her commitment to bettering our school system and helping her fellow students is inspring not only to her peers but to us as well. We look forward to working alongside her, as we continue to champion Student Voice at the Board table ,” said Michael Bellmore, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. 

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