St. Benedict C.S.S.
May 04, 2018

Summer school credits for secondary students

In order for a student to be eligible to complete a summer school credit, they must be enrolled in a recognized Ontario Secondary School. All summer school registrations are done through the guidance department at the school that the student is currently enrolled in. There are a variety of secondary level credits at both the applied and academic level available this summer. For more information about the availability of specific courses, please contact your guidance department.

All secondary summer school credits are offered through eLearning (including summer coop). Students need access to a computer and reliable internet access in order to access their course material and submit completed work. Summer courses start on Tuesday, July 3rd and run until Friday, August 3rd this year. The deadline to register for summer school is Friday, June 15th at 2:00 pm.

Students typically require 4-6 hours per day Monday-Friday in order to complete an elearning summer course. All Sudbury Catholic students must attend a mandatory in-class orientation session offered at St. Albert Adult Education Centre on Tuesday, July 3rd between 9-11am.

For more information, please feel free to email Jillian Ospina.

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