Learning About Life as a Writer at St. Benedict
During Catholic Education Week at St. Benedict, students were given the opportunity to listen to local author Sarah Lashbrook. She began by reading an excerpt from her book Where the Stream and Creek Collide, and after talked about her life as a writer. Lashbrook explained that she had been writing since she was 12, but was also inspired by two amazing high school English teachers. Students then learned how the concept for her book came from a nightmarish dream which led to her writing an outline, then realistic characters, and of course lots of research. Life as a writer isn’t easy. Lashbrook informed students she once had writer’s block for two months, that her book was edited four times, and therefore was written a total of five times before it was completed. During the Q&A session, grade 7 student Joshua Kroll asked, “Do you become attached to your characters?” Lashbrook responded, “I definitely do! I get right into them, and I’m sad when I’m done.” The recently published author advised students who want a career in writing to take drama courses to become a screenwriter, English courses if they want to be a journalist, and even history is a necessity for writers. Later, elementary teacher Sherry Trowbridge approached Lashbrook with an offer to return to St. Benedict to work with her intermediate students and write a class novel together. Her reply was an excited, “I’m in 100% for that!” Clearlly, those St. Ben’s students will be in for a treat when Sarah Lashbrook comes back to visit in the fall.