In our schools, we support and encourage all students to take responsibility for their learning as a very important life skill. Students are expected to be punctual for class, be prepared with the appropriate materials and supplies, participate fully and complete assignments and homework. Students and their parents should seek help from teachers and staff if they are experiencing difficulties. We are here to help. Teachers are dedicated to improving student success and we provide student support services to help them reach their educational goals.
The Elementary Student Success Centre
St. Benedict Elementary Student Success Centre offers students a variety of academic supports to help students meet the curriculum expectations throughout the year. Some of the supports include:
- One to one support with a Resource Teacher.
- Extra resources/supplies as required by students.
- Pre-arranged homework help at lunch upon request.
- An alternative setting to write tests, work on classroom assignments, and complete incomplete work due to absences.
Resource Teacher
The Resource Teacher’s works alongside the classroom teacher to support students throughout the day.
- They collaborate in the development, implementation and monitoring of students’ Individual Education Plans (IEP), Individual Learning Profiles (ILP), Behaviour Management Plans and Medical Safety Plans.
- They work with classroom teachers, Educational Assistants and students on how to use software to support the student’s learning (i.e. Smart Ideas, Text to Speech, Garage Band, iMovie, WordQ).
- They organize, arrange, attend meetings and case conferences.
- They collaboratively plan and implement modified programs for exceptional students.
- They provide resource assistance within the regular classroom for specific programming.