St. Benedict C.S.S.

An Education That Inspires: Register Now for the 2022-2023 School Year!

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board invites parents and students in all grades to register with Sudbury Catholic Schools for the 2022-2023 school year!

Parents can register their children for Kindergarten (for children turning 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2022). There are both regular and French Immersion programs available. For a full list of English Catholic elementary schools, please go to the following link

Parents and students are also invited to register for secondary schools. All of our secondary schools offer grade 7 to 12 programming in both Regular and French Immersion. For a full list of English Catholic secondary schools, please go to the following link

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board offers Catholic education to 6200 students in 18 schools across Greater Sudbury. With a strong foundation based on the Catholic faith and traditions, all schools offer a comprehensive range of programs and services with a commitment to excellence in learning for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Sudbury Catholic Schools provide inclusive, caring and innovative learning environments that promote student growth and well-being. The Board has a strong focus on the arts, athletics, academics and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math), established community partnerships, an active Parent Involvement Committee, and a growing International Education Program. 

For more information about the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, including how to register, please click the button below!

St. Charles College Student Receives Significant French Immersion Scholarship

Alison Hunt, a grade 12 student from St. Charles College found out recently that she was the successful grant applicant for a $20,000 French Immersion scholarship from the University of Ottawa. After applying to the University for their International Development and Globalization program, Hunt received news that she was going to be receiving $5,000 a year for the next four years as long as she takes 60% of her courses in French. A French Immersion student for all of her schooling, Hunt didn’t really think about applying for any sort of French Immersion related scholarships. Her teacher, Rick Emond suggested to her that she might want to consider this option. Thankfully Hunt took his advice and her parents couldn’t be happier. “They are really excited for me,” Hunt said. “They know this is a fantastic opportunity for me and are really proud of me, especially since neither of them even speak French.” Hunt attributes a lot of her scholastic succes to Mr. Emond. “ He (Emond) has been there for me right from day one in Grade 9 and has encouraged me to stay in French Immersion right into Grade 12”. Emond says that he has always been very proud of Alison’s accomplishments as she has always been a very mature student who always went beyond what was required and always took extreme pride in her work. “Allison has always seen the importance of the Immersion program and never complained about the work that was involved,” Emond said. “She deserves this and part of me is envious of the opportunities that lie ahead of her as there is no doubt in my mind that she will make a difference in the world – when people talk about our students being our future, Alison will be one of the ones leading the way.” Hunt hopes to eventually work for a global charitable organization such as “Right to Play” and feels that continuing in her French will allow her more successful career opportunities.

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