St. Benedict C.S.S.

Join our Virtual Learning Series


The Parent Involvement Committee is very pleased to once again to support virtual learning sessions throughout the winter and spring. 

Please see the below flyer outlining the various sessions beginning on January 18 with:

Best Foot Forward : Supporting Your Child’s Transition to High School
This session serves to provide parents/ guardians with a detailed overview of a student’s transition to high school. Participants will be guided through segments on course selection ,career and pathway planning using Xello, specialized programs offered by the SCDSB and school level  student supports for a successful high school journey.

All sessions will take place virtually through Zoom between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.  These are excellent opportunities to learn about topics that are relevant to you. 

Register HERE!

Calling all and educators: We are very pleased to invite you to our Virtual Parent Engagement Series!


Every week throughout the month of May, join virtual learning/information sessions as we create an online community of support for parents and educators. Sessions include Internet Safety, Supporting Students Through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Google Classroom: The Parent Connection, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Learning About the Dangers of Human Trafficking, French as a Second Language Supports, Reading supports through Lexia, and Reading and Writing!

Sessions will take place each week in May from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. virtually on Zoom. Don’t miss out! Register now at the following LINK.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Save the date for this year’s PIC Carousel!

A women talks to a classroom full of parents.

Parent Involvement Committee proudly presents their annual Carousel Event for parents, educators and community partners!

  • When: April 7, 2020 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Where: St. Benedict School, 2993 Algonquin Road

Sessions will include: Vaping, Bullying, Cybercrime, Human Trafficking, Social Media, Secondary Programs and Pathways, Supporting Students at Home, Coding, and Helping Support Children and Youth who Experience Anxiety.

Save the date and stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Carousel Event for parents, educators and community partners!

Our annual Carousel event hosted by the Catholic Parent Involvement Committee is fast approaching! We are very excited to welcome all parents, staff and community partners to this event for an evening of networking, learning and community building!

When: March 5, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: St. David School, 549 Frood Road

Carousel topics will include: Dealing with Anxiety, Indigenous Education Programming, Coding, Mathematics, The Leader in Me, Supporting Students with Autism, Human Trafficking, Vaping Building Resilience, speech and language services and special Education Services, including the IEP.

Free childcare and supper will be provided. Please go to the following link to register:

2019 Carousel Topics

June 2015 OAPCE Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE).

This month’s newsletter comes in three parts:

June 2015 Part 1
June 2015 Part 2
June 2015 Part 3

“Mrs. Catalano “The glue that holds our school together.”

St. Benedict parent, Alice Allison Catalano, is the recipient of the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education parent award. According to the students and staff of St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School, she is someone “we all can go to and talk openly with. She is someone who we would describe as completely selfless and the most caring and compassionate person amongst the school community. She is a trustworthy, hard working, motherly figure to us all and the work she does for our school is out of this world! She spends a substantial amount of her valuable time volunteering at our school and not a moment that passes with her is ever forgotten or not appreciated by any student or staff. We feel that Mrs. Catalano perfectly embodies the definition of a selfless Samaritan. Mrs. Catalano has the special ability to see the best in everyone and no matter how tough the situation is, she is willing to lend a helping hand and devote 100 percent of herself. We can recount hundreds of times that she has given up her time and selflessly devoted herself for the well being of a student. Not only does she volunteer her time but also her wisdom of real life. She is always willing to help a student by giving valuable advice and sharing life experiences with us. She’s the star of this school and we all hope to be half the person she is! Thank you Mrs. Catalano.”

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park

5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~

8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~

9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~

a) Children drumming station~

b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark

c) 7 Grandfather teachings

d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~

e) Medicines and Wheel

f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~

11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~

1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”

3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~

For more information and access to resources, please consult:

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

Take Our Kids To Work Day at St. Benedict

St. Benedict Catholic Secondary students proudly participated in the Take Our Kids to Work Day on November 7th, 2012. These students got to learn first hand what skills are required in today’s work environment. But before they went out to the workplace, Monica. Dailey, co-op education teacher explained to them the importance of students rights and responsibilities in a safe work environment.

St. Benedict Holds Upcoming Open House

St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School invites prospective grade 8 students and their families to attend an Information Evening Tuesday, Feb. 15th beginning at 7:00 pm.

Students exemplify many of the programs offered at St. Benedict. The school is promoting their “Getting Connected” program encouraging academic use of wireless technology, Specialist High Skills Major in Environmental Science, competitive extra-curricular sports, French immersion, and Native Studies, as well as students participating in numerous Dual Credits programs at Cambrian College and Laurentian University. For additional
information visit [ http://www.benedict.c ] or contact (705) 523-9235.

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