St. Benedict C.S.S.

Congratulations to St. Benedict Bear Emily Levesque on Joining the Cambrian Golden Shield

Secondary student, Emily Levesque from St. Benedict CSS, has recently signed a commitment letter to join the Cambrian College soccer team, the Cambrian Golden Shield. This announcement was greeted with enthusiasm by Head Coach Evan Philips, who personally came to St. Benedict to welcome Emily to the team.

According to Coach Philips, Emily has already started training with the team during the winter months. He expressed excitement about working with Emily over the summer to further develop her skills.

“Emily has already begun training with us during the winter. I am excited to work with her more over the summer as we continue her development into the OCAA and beyond.” – Evan Phillips, Head Coach, Cambrian Golden Shield.

The St. Benedict Bears family is immensely proud of Emily’s accomplishments, and they wish her nothing but success on her new journey. They are confident that her hard work and dedication to the sport will serve her well as she embarks on this exciting new chapter in her athletic career.

As Emily prepares to take the field as part of the Cambrian Golden Shield soccer team, she can be sure that she has the support and encouragement of her St. Benedict Bears family behind her every step of the way. Way to go, Emily!

Save the Date for SCDSB’s Carousel Event – Free Childcare & Supper Provided!

Save the date for Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s (SCDSB) annual Carousel Event hosted by the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)!  Learn about different topics, network with others, and engage in great conversation. 

When: Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Where: St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School  

Address: 2993 Algonquin | Sudbury, ON | P3E 6K2

Carousel topics will include: 

Supporting Mental Health & Well Being, Cyber Safety, Building Resiliency, Homework Support, Special Education, Coding, Preparing Your Child for Post-Secondary, Literacy: Supporting Reading @ Home, and Learning About Secondary Programming. 


Registration information will be coming soon!

Be Heard! We Invite you to contribute to our 23-24 Budget Consultation

In preparation for our budget discussions, we invite our staff, parents/guardians, community partners and students to provide feedback regarding our programming and resources. Your feedback is important to us to ensure that we are representing your priorities as we engage in the budget process.  We are asking that you identify areas that have been working well and your top priorities for the next school year.  We are using ThoughtExchange so that everyone has a chance to share their perspectives and understand what’s most important to the group. These thoughts will help guide our discussions before we move ahead together.

Feel free to include as many thoughts as you like.  Click the Participate button to share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Your participation is confidential, so no one will know who shared or rated which thoughts. Please come back often until April 14 to rate new ideas.

High ratings tell us you strongly support the idea and low ratings tell us you strongly do not support the idea; both are important.

Quick Tips:

1. This exchange is confidential. Your thoughts will be shared, but not your identity.

2. Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts.

3. If you see a thought that is rude, hurtful or identifies a person or group, you can report it by clicking in the upper right corner of the thought.

4. You do not need to rate all thoughts in this exchange. It is appreciated and recommended that you rate about 30 thoughts over the time the exchange is open.

Sudbury Catholic Schools Host Annual Science Fair

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board held their annual Science Fair on February 28, 2023, at St. Charles College. The fair was open to Grade 7 and 8 students. 

The winners of this year’s Science Fair were as follows:

First Place/Best in Fair

  • Indoor Air Quality, Victoria Leigh, Marymount Academy
  • Do Different Music genres effect reading? Lila Ricker, Marymount Academy

Second Place

  • La Chaleur Contre le sol, Mila Kidd and Ayla Falcioni, Marymount Academy

Third Place

  • Klean Machine, Olaterere Awosika, St. Benedict C.S.S
  • EZ-Drain, Thomas Reich and Costantinos Urso, St. Benedict C.S.S
  • Sèche mains germé, Leah Serre et Paytyn Farmer, Marymount Academy
  • La croissance des plantes, Samantha Chow, Marymount Academy
  • Reveillez-vous, Leah Diotte, Marymount Academy

Most Creative

  • Steer Clear: The Breakaway Steering Wheel, Maggie Polischuk, Marymount Academy
  • Lequel est moin sale? Aven Thompson, Marymount Academy
  • Lumière sans électricité: Ampoule bouteille solaire, Megan Leclair, Marymount AcademySont les masques nos ennemis? Abigail Debruyn, Marymount Academy
  • 15 minutes de cardio, Kiana Smith et Fae Flanagan, Marymount Academy

Best Presentation

  • Can climate change ruin our ski hills for good? Annabelle Richardson et Isabella Palladino, Marymount Academy
  • Spherification, Lua Schiewek and Louisse Apilan, Marymount Academy
  • Tok Tok: Germes sur les portes… Mia Dufresne, Marymount Academy

All projects listed above will proceed to the Sudbury Regional Science Fair on April 1 and 2, 2023 at Laurentian University.

Louise Franklin, Superintendent of School Effectiveness with the Sudbury Catholic District School Board said that the Fair was a fantastic way to encourage students to participate in science-based activities on a large scale.  

“Our Science Fair offers students the opportunity to participate in a formal judging process alongside their peers. With an emphasis on innovation and scientific inquiry, the Science Fair allows students to develop projects through critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. A great deal of time and commitment went into these projects and all students should be extremely proud of their efforts. We would like to thank the members of the Science Fair Committee, Chris Polischuk, Martha Facchini, and Loretta Cuda, for their dedication to providing such opportunities for students at Sudbury Catholic. We are excited to see what the selected students will accomplish at the Regional Science Fair,” she said.

International Students Build Community at Sudbury Five Game

Our International Students were treated to a Sudbury Five game! They were joined by members of their host families, school staff and School Board staff as they watched the game, had fun dancing and a few lucky students even won some pizza!

It was a great way for the students to continue to build community and connection – and they sure had fun! View some of the photos below.

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