St. Benedict C.S.S.

St. Benedict exceeds toy drive target and spreads the message of caring for those in need

Students had a lofty goal – to collect one thousand toys for girls’ and boys’ and as of Friday morning that goal was exceeded.

The toy drive, which happens yearly at this time is done in collaboration with TD Bank and the Salvation Army along with all parents, staff and students at the school.This is the six year the school has joined forces to collect toys for those in need at Christmastime.   

School Chaplin Rob Pappin, who leads the endeavour says “It is important that we who have plenty give to those who have little.  Just as the Magi brought gifts to the child Jesus, it is part of our mission to care for those in need in our community.”  

Student Senate at Sudbury Catholic Schools donates over 150 coats to those in need

The Student Senate at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board has given the gift of warmth this holiday season! The fundraising campaign was spearheaded by the Student Senate, which is comprised of 10 secondary students representing all four secondary schools in the Board. 

The group encouraged staff and students to donate clean, gently used coats of all sizes to families in need. Working with Derek Cashmore of Cooper Equipment Rentals, the coats will be donated to the N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre and then made available to those in need in our region and in other communities throughout Northern Ontario. The original ask was 100 coats, however the Sudbury Catholic School community surpassed that goal, donating over 150 coats and over 50 winter accessories including hats, scarves and mitts to help families stay warm this Winter.

“The Student Senate members are not just leaders in their schools, but leaders in the greater community,” said Amanda Barry, Teacher Facilitator of the Student Senate. “The students embody the Catholic Graduate Expectations and model stewardship through their actions and their love for others. They have more plans to serve the local community in 2019, so stay tuned!”

“The amount of spirit and compassion exemplified by everyone involved is truly breathtaking,” said Kira Gouchie, Student Trustee and member of the Student Senate. “It was so amazing to see all the students come together for a great cause during the holiday season.”

The Student Senate coat drive ran from November 19 – December 7, 2018. The group is hoping to make the drive an annual fundraiser as part of their Student Senate initiatives. 

Students of St. Benedict and St. James experiment with art and science!

Before launching into secondary school next year, students at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School and St. James had a chance to explore both art and science labs at the high school this week.

In Science, Mr. O’Donnell taught the students how to conduct themselves in a lab while dissecting a frog.The students learned safety and anatomy at the same time while the students created canvassed art with Mr. Timpano in the art room.

Students Mackenzie Richard and Brenna Vienneau weren’t shy about the dissection lab with Brenna taking the first cut. She says she is not afraid because she has cleaned deer and partridge in the past with family.

Vienneau wants to pursue sciences because she wants to become an electrician in the future.  

Students from the two schools conducted their rotations over a two day period to better prepare them for life in the high school setting.

Secondary Schools Open Houses Schedule

Calling all future secondary students! See below for when each of our Secondary Schools are hosting open houses this Winter. It’s an opportunity to learn about the programs offered, meet potential teachers and classmates and see what is unique about each school community.

Here is the Open House schedule:

  • Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S. – December 6, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.
  • St. Benedict C.S.S – January 16, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.
  • St. Charles College – January 15, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Marymount Academy – January 17, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.

For more information about individual Open Houses, please contact the school.

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