St. Benedict C.S.S.

St. Benedict STEM club gets busy with marshmallows and spaghetti

The STEM Club at St. Benedict Catholic School has been busy creating free standing structures this month using marshmallows and spaghetti.

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics club students must hold up marshmallows using only raw spaghetti, tape and ribbon in a timeframe of 15 minutes.

The club is in its second year and already has some awesome accolades.

Last year the team participated in the PEO Bridge Building Competition and won the Clean Air Sudbury/Science North Living Wall competition.

The living wall was chosen and built and has been on display all summer long and will be moving to the school’s Learning Commons later this month.

The club members are currently looking for business partnerships for this year to assist with the finances associated with the club.

Sudbury Catholic Schools Welcome 30 International Students!

We were proud to welcome 30 international students to our schools for the 2018-2019 school year! These students have arrived from the countries of China, Japan, Vietnam and Spain and will be studying in our secondary schools throughout the year. St. Benedict Secondary School has nine students registered, Marymount Academy has 11 and St. Charles College will host 10 International students throughout the year. The students and their host families were welcomed to Sudbury and Sudbury Catholic Schools during a barbecue which took place on September 6 at Marymount Academy.

We wish to thank all staff, teachers and host families that help support them throughout their educational journey with us!The success of the program is also a result of the many generous and supportive host families we have available. The board is always looking to recruit to fill the ever-growing community of host families at Canada Homestay Network. Interested families can contact them directly at or 1-877441-4443 ext. 2176.

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