St. Benedict C.S.S.

St. Benedict Students donate more than 1500 toys to Salvation Army!

Students at St. Benedict Catholic School in the south end shipped more than 1500 toys to the Salvation Army by school bus. These toys will be wrapped by the Salvation Army and distributed to families ahead of December 24th.

The toys were collected as part of the TD/Salvation Army Toy Drive.

Students have been participating in this drive for five years and in that time frame, a total of more than seven thousand toys have been contributed.

Chaplain Rob Pappin and Principal Laura Kuzenko feel it is always heartwarming to see the students take on such an initiative and load up the school Christmas tree.

Money was also collected. That money was turned over to the Salvation Army for families requiring food items over the course of the Christmas break.

Grade 7 and 8 students craft and send Christmas cards for Noah!

The grade seven and eight students at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School have been putting the final touches on Noah’s Christmas cards today.

Noah is a four year-old boy from Minnow Lake who has been battling cancer since he was six months old.

There is no cure and no other option for Noah so the students are writing cards with positive messages and his favourite characters (Paw Patrol and The Grinch) to keep him smiling just a bit.
Duncan Smith, in grade eight says he suspects that Noah wants the cards because “everyone loves receiving mail and to know that others care”.
Mrs. Belle will be delivering the cards to the new Hot 93.5 tonight so the radio station personalities can deliver them to Noah tomorrow.

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