St. Benedict C.S.S.

Sudbury Catholic Schools awarded as Stars of Excellence at 2017 Kiwanis Music Festival

Participant schools included Marymount Academy, St. Anne Catholic School, Holy Trinity Catholic School, Immaculate Conception, Holy Cross Catholic School, St.Benedict Catholic Secondary School, St. John Catholic School and St. Charles College.

The senior band and strings ensemble from Marymount Academy (pictured here) were recommended for the provincial competition.

Congratulations to all musicians who participated and thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

Victors of Transition!

Jarah Preston from the Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury was invited to St. Francis School on April 19, 2017 to deliver a presentation entitled Victors of Transition. The LDAS presentation is targeted to address all students in the grade 6 Regular, French Immersion and Special Education classes who will be transitioning onto grade 7 at either St. Benedict, Marymount Academy or St. Charles College in the fall. Special Education Resource Teacher, Ms. G. Visentin, annually welcomes the presentation to help prepare students and discuss how they may better prepare themselves for their transition to the next grade and new school setting in the fall.

St. Benedict celebrates World Autism Day

To celebrate World Autism Awareness Day, students and staff at St. Benedict C.S.S paid a toonie to dress in blue, donating over $750 to Autism Ontario. As part of their Raise the Flag Campaign, the ASD class baked 350 cookies and handed them out to those showing their support by wearing blue. Members of the school community signed giant puzzle pieces, that are now displayed in the Communication classroom as a visual reminder of the supportive St. Ben’s community they are so fortunate to be a part of.

Sudbury Catholic Elementary Band takes silver, gold at the Northern Ontario Music Festival

It’s Festival season, and the Sudbury Catholic Elementary Band did not disappoint! This band is made up of 125 students from 6 schools – St. Charles College, St. Benedict, St. Anne, St. Charles Chelmsford, St. John and St. James – and is directed by Leanne Urso, JoAnne Comisso, Sabrina Clark and Eric Miron.

The students competed at the Northern Ontario Music Festival on Tuesday, March 21st at Sudbury Secondary School and came away with a Silver award. Then, on Tuesday, April 4th, the band competed at the Kiwanis Music Festival at St. Benedict School and improved on their score by winning a Gold award! Congratulations goes out to all the band members for all their hard work.

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